Why Building Professionals Should Go Green

Talking about green building is popular among building professionals. So why is using green practices as a serious marketing tool still rare?

Marketing your company as a green builder could get you more business.

We all know that talking about green building is popular among building professionals. But using green practices as a serious marketing tool is still rare. With data confirming that sustainable design and construction are helping reduce carbon emissions, marketing yourself as a sustainable option could provide the competitive edge you’re seeking. With that in mind, here are some tips for crafting brand messaging that positions you as the greener option:


1. Localize your messaging. 

If you want your brand messaging to be effective, you need to cater to the local market’s views on sustainability. Does your region already have air pollution issues? Are forest fires and water shortages common in the summer? Identify what people in your market care most about and explain how your business is combating those issues.


2. Keep your messaging positive. 

Business partners and potential hires aren’t interested in being bombarded with more doom-and-gloom messages about the climate crisis. You’re more likely to make a lasting connection if you spend less time on the bad stuff and highlight the specific things you’re doing to solve climate problems. Are the products you’re using reducing waste? Are green practices improving the lives of your employees? Let your audience know about the good you're already doing. 


3. Make your messaging relevant.

The most effective brand messaging speaks to audiences in the jargon they use everyday. It might be difficult for your audience to understand what 100 grams or 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide means. But using examples your clientele is familiar with – like using porous concrete to allow for better filtering of stormwater or updating your vehicle fleet to reduce carbon emissions – will make your message more impactful in the long run.


4. Exploit your competitive advantage.

For your messaging to truly connect, you need to provide your audience with the specific advantage your company offers in sustainable building. That all comes back to identifying your competitive advantage. What actually sets you apart from other companies doing the same work? Whether its your people or your processes, your audience wants to know. 


5. Get Certified. 

One of the best ways to demonstrate you’re a qualified green builder is by getting certified. Consider submitting for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, which holds builders accountable through a structured, points-based rating system. Other green building accreditations popular among sustainable builders include EDGE, GreenStar, Energy Star, BREEAM, Green Globes, and the International Living Future Institute’s (ILFI) Zero Energy (ZE) Certification.


6. Be as transparent as possible. 

When it comes to building a good brand reputation, transparency is key. Potential business partners and hires will be more eager to work with you if you’re honest about your working conditions, production processes, and the materials you use regularly. Transparency should also apply to how you talk about your sustainability goals, even when you fail to meet original targets.


7. Keep it authentic.

A great way to make your brand platform and sustainability efforts feel authentic is to give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your company. Use your brand messaging to explain your processes, highlight your workforce, and showcase your company culture. Document ongoing green building projects, create a podcast about your brand’s sustainability practices, and share everything on your website or social accounts. 


The future of green building

Findings from Dodge Construction Network’s World Green Building Trends 2021 survey recently projected a 14-point growth among builders who intend to do more than 60% of their projects green in 2022, implying the trend of “going green” isn’t going away anytime soon. Additionally, a new report from Seed Scientific projects that the green building market in the United States is on track to reach $103.08 billion by 2023.


President Biden also recently signed a series of executive orders aiming to pause high tariffs on sustainable materials and increase domestically manufactured clean energy technology. That includes manufacturing solar panel parts, building insulation, heat pumps, equipment to make and use electricity-generated fuels, and transformers for power grids. With more resources on the way, marketing yourself as a business committed to sustainable practices will only help you land more work.


Source: Construction Dive, Green Builder,Green Building Insider

Photo credit: Pexels

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